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About Us

Message from our President

 Our company name comes from the discovery of phosphate ore on “Rasa Island”, an uninhabited island in the South Seas, by our founder, Mr. Noritaka Tsuneto, the first head of Fertilizer and Minerals Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce during the late Meiji era. Our roots lie in our development of phosphorus fertilizer as a private company led by a mission to contribute to the development of agricultural field. We have been carrying on this spirit of the frontier for over a century.
 Through our long history, we have carried out business model innovation in our primary business fields such as fertilizers, metal mining, smelting, and silicon wafer reclaim, and we have overcome the many obstacles presented themselves. Especially, our phosphate products with phosphoric acid at its core are the ones have lasted for a century. Phosphor is one of considerably important elements in our life, therefore we believe that our technologies related to the phosphate products will remain as our core technologies ever.

 We have been establishing an extensive track record of using high purity phosphoric acid in semiconductors or liquid crystals (LCD) industries as well as general industrial applications.
 Furthermore, we will continue to cultivate specialized and high-value added products more and more, so that we could develop further business by our distinctive products and technologies from now on.
 There is tremendous potential of opening up new developments and applications for phosphate products by various technological innovations through our greater efforts to research on red phosphorus which is being used for one of materials for compound semiconductors, so we will firmly preserve our expertise in phosphorus as a fundamental technology.

 We have been stepping up recycling technologies for rare metals such as gallium and indium in Electronic Materials Division, and besides, our Machinery Division would advance into the biomass field to make effective use of our technologies for accelerating the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources which is going to materialize a recycling-oriented society.
 Our corporate philosophy is “honesty, sincerity and diligence.” We are seeking to grow steadily together with our customers and all of our stakeholders as well, so hope to receive your ongoing support.

Takahide Shoji 